Spiritual Best Practices
Crystal Care
Always cleanse and charge your crystals prior to putting them to use.
Crystals absorb energy from people and places they have been before they arrive. While all of our crystals are cleansed and blessed in our facility it is always best for the new owner to do the same. Here are some ways you can cleanse your crystals:
Place them in the full moon's light until the next morning.
The moonlight is the inverse of sunlight. Where sunlight is thought to provide masculine energy, moonlight is thought to provide feminine energy. It is also thought to be a gentler method of cleaning stones. Moonlight cleaning does not expose your stones to the same fading risk as sunlight cleaning. Know your stone before you choose this method.
Bury them in the dirt!
Standing barefoot on grass or soil can help cleanse your spirit because the earth is a grounding element. The same is true for crystals! By exposing your stones to raw earth, you allow any negative energy trapped within them to escape. Place your stones in the ground or bury them somewhere meaningful to you. If you're burying your stones, make sure they're only a couple of inches deep. This type of cleansing is beneficial to agate, jasper, tigereye, and citrine.
Give them a sound bath!
Sound healing isn't just for the body it can be used to cleanse crystals as well. Use singing bowls, tuning forks, bells, or simple chanting to get your crystals reading for use. Allow the sound to wash over the crystals for a few minutes, allowing the vibrations to seep into them. This method is suitable for all stones and is an excellent choice for anyone with a large crystal collection that requires cleaning.
Use of Selenite!
Crystals can work together when they are cleansed with larger stones. in order to spread the healing energy. Simply place the stones that need to be cleansed on top of the cleansing crystals or rest them all on a plate together to cleanse them. You can leave them together for as long as six hours or as long as overnight.
Allow them to bask in the sun!
Crystals benefit from the sun's masculine energy, vitality, and potency. To charge crystals in the sun, leave them outside for six to 24 hours, bringing them inside if there is inclement weather. To get the most sunlight exposure, place your stones on a windowsill before dawn and remove them after sunset. *Please keep in mind that some stones, such as aquamarine, amethyst, and citrine, can fade from the sun's powerful rays.
Once you have cleansed and charged your crystals they are ready to use. To get started you should attune the crystal(s) to your energy field or in other words bond with your crystals. You can do this a few ways:
Carry Them With You
This is by far the simplest option. The more time you spend with the crystal, the more time it has to attune to your energy. If the stones are small enough, you can carry them in your pockets. Otherwise, keeping them on your desk or near you throughout the day works just as well! I'm frequently caught watching TV with some crystals in my lap. While my family may give me funny looks, it works! One of my favorite methods is sleeping with my crystals. It works in the same way that carrying it does to attune it to your energy. This is especially useful if you need to be discreet. Simply keep the crystal near your bed or slip it inside your pillowcase. We are at our least guarded while sleeping, so the crystal will be able to pick up your energy very easily.
Meditation is an excellent tool for relaxation, gratitude, and mindfulness. It's also a fantastic way to help a crystal align with your energy! Simply place the crystal in your non-dominant (or "receptive") hand and begin meditating. You can use meditation music or simply sit in silence, but the important thing is to achieve a deep state of relaxation. Allow yourself to be aware of the energy that the crystal emits. Pay close attention to what the crystal tells you. Do you have a sense of calm? Hopeful? Energized? All of these things aid in the formation of a bond with the crystal and provide a better understanding of how you might be able to use it. If you aren’t super familiar with the practice of meditation, don’t be deterred from trying this method out! You don’t need to be a pro to reap the benefits of this method.
Herb Care
We love the healing power of herbs so much! It is our belief that the Universe has given us everything we need to heal our bodies on Earth through plant medicine. Whether you are sipping a cup of tea or making a healing tincture or salve here are some tips to get the most out of your dry healing herbs:
Place your herbs in a glass jar or container
Oxygen degrades herbs over time, it is best to store dried herbs in airtight containers. Glass jars or metal tins with screw top lids, as well as jars with clamp on lips, work well. If possible, avoid using plastic because it may leach chemicals into your herbs. Ground spices (including cinnamon and ground pepper) stay flavorful for one to three years. Hold onto dried green herbs (such as basil and oregano) for six months to three years, watching for fading color and flavor to guide you.
Wake Up Your Herbs!
Before you consume your herbs, make a tincture or cup of tea-wake up their spirit to get them best ready to serve you! You can do this by simply talking to your herbs. It works the same way as talking to your plants. Thank them for their healing energy and tell them exactly what you need them to do for you. You can also play music for your herbs. Do you remember how Grandma would play music and sing while she was cooking Sunday dinner and the food would be so good!? That's because she was waking up her herbs through song! You can also perform a ritual where you welcome the herbs into your home apothecary and thank them for giving so freely.
A Little Goes A Long Way
You do not need a ton of herbs to get the job done! A little really goes a long way. 2 ounces in typically enough to make a flavorful cup of tea or tincture. The depth of flavor comes from how long you allow the herbs to steep. If you are making a tincture the longer the herbal mixture sits the more potent and effective it will be. If you are making a cup of tea pay attention to how much herbs you are using and how long you let it sit to avoid a strong bitter taste. We want to make sure we are respecting the energy of the herb and not wasting a unnecessary amount.
Keep away from direct sunlight.
While the rays of sunlight hitting your herb jars may appear to be beautiful, they are actually harming the potency of the herbs. As a result, it's best to keep them out of direct sunlight. If possible keep them in a dark cool pantry or closet. In fact, using dark-colored glass jars is even effective at blocking out all potential light. Keep them in a closed cabinet or, if necessary, make a curtain to cover them.
Label and date your jars
Keeping track of how old your herbs are is an important habit to develop. Whenever you put a new herb on the shelf, label what it is and when it was harvested or purchased.
Here is a good list to follow when labeling:
- Name
- Botanical name
- Purchase date
- Discard date
Different herbs have different shelf lives, anywhere from 1 to 3 years, depending on the specific herb. While properly dried and stored herbs will never go bad, over time they will become increasingly less potent and should be replaced.